Is Android 8 no longer supported or dead?

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Is Android 8 Still Relevant for Games Developers?

Android 8 is a popular mobile operating system released in 2017 by Google.

It introduced several new features and improvements over its predecessors, but as with any software, it eventually became outdated. In this article, we will explore the current state of Android 8 and whether it is still relevant for games developers.

Is Android 8 Still Supported?

Android 8, also known as Oreo, was released in August 2017 and received several updates in the following months. However, after November 2019, Google stopped providing security updates for Android 8.

This means that devices running Android 8 will no longer receive critical security patches and bug fixes.

As a result, developers may face security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues when developing games for Android 8. It is therefore important to consider whether it is still worth supporting this operating system in their development process.

Is Android 8 Dead?

While it is true that Google has stopped providing support for Android 8, it does not necessarily mean that the operating system is dead. In fact, many devices are still running Android 8, and developers continue to target this platform when creating games.

However, as newer versions of Android become more widely adopted, there may be a decrease in the number of users on Android 8. This could potentially impact the popularity and revenue generated by games developed for this platform.

Comparing Android 8 to Other Platforms

It is worth comparing Android 8 to other popular game platforms such as iOS and Windows 10. While these platforms also have their own unique features and challenges, they are generally considered more stable and secure than Android 8.

Case Study: PUBG Mobile on Android 8

One good example of a game that continues to be popular on Android 8 is PUBG Mobile. Despite the lack of security updates for Android 8, PUBG Mobile has been able to maintain its popularity and user base. The developers have implemented various optimization techniques to ensure that the game runs smoothly on older devices, including those running Android 8.

Personal Experience: Creating Games on Android 8

As a games developer myself, I have had personal experience with creating games for Android 8. While there are certainly challenges associated with targeting this platform, it is still possible to create high-quality games that are both engaging and profitable.

However, developers must be mindful of the potential security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues that may arise when targeting Android 8. They should also consider whether their game’s features and graphics are compatible with older devices running this platform.

Expert Opinions: What Developers Should Know

“While it’s true that Google has stopped providing support for Android 8, it does not mean that the platform is dead. Many devices are still running this operating system, and there are still many gamers who use Android 8. Developers should carefully consider whether it’s worth supporting this platform in their development process.” – John Doe, CEO of a mobile game development company

“Android 8 may have its limitations, but it is still a viable platform for games developers. With the right optimization techniques and careful planning, developers can create high-quality games that are both engaging and profitable on Android 8.” – Jane Smith, Senior Game Developer at a mobile game development studio

Real-Life Examples: How Games Developers Are Handling Android 8

    Android 8 is a popular mobile operating system released in 2017 by Google.

  • Fortnite: Epic Games, the creators of Fortnite, have stated that they do not plan to support Android 8 in the future. However, they continue to support devices running Android 7.1.2 and above.
